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Notice of the Ministry of Education and other five departments on the issuance of the Implementation Plan of the Project to meet the requirements of Vocational Schools

Teaching [2022] 5

Department of Education (Education Commission), Development and Reform Commission, Department of Finance (Bureau), Department of Human Resources and Social Security (Bureau), Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (Committee, Administrative Commission, Bureau),Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Education Bureau, Development and Reform Commission, Finance Bureau, Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau:

The Implementation Plan of the Project to meet the standards of Vocational School Running Conditions is hereby issued to you, and please conscientiously implement it in light of the actual situation。

Ministry of Education, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

November 2, 2022

Implementation plan of the project to meet the requirements of vocational schools

In order to implement the spirit of the National Vocational Education Conference and the 2022 Government Work Report, further optimize the layout and structure of vocational education, comprehensively improve the conditions for running vocational schools (including technical schools, the same below), improve the quality of running schools, and enhance the image of running schools, this plan is formulated。

I. General requirements

(1) Guiding ideology

坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,We will fully implement the guiding principles of the Party's 20th National Congress,Comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy,To carry out the fundamental task of moral cultivation,Scientifically plan the layout of vocational schools,We will strengthen the responsibilities of school running entities at all levels,We will continuously increase institutional innovation and policy supply,Continue to strengthen the basic capacity building of schools, improve the level of schools, and stimulate the vitality of schools,Continuously optimize the type orientation of vocational education,Effectively enhance the adaptability of vocational education,We will ensure that the people are satisfied with vocational education。

(2) Basic principles

Support from the central government and local governments。The central, local and school three levels of linkage, strengthen guidance and supervision and process monitoring, consolidate the provincial overall planning and the main responsibility of the school organizer, strengthen coordination and cooperation, improve work efficiency, and ensure the quality and quantity of the implementation of goals and tasks。

Planning first, classified advance。We will take into account the overall development trend of education and the size of the population, formulate work plans based on facts, improve the standard system, adhere to high-quality development, implement them separately and advance them step by step, and strengthen the incentive and evaluation mechanism。

Optimize the stock and optimize the increment。Promote the integration of regional vocational education resources, optimize the layout, co-construction and sharing, activate resources, implement the policy of incline new educational resources to vocational education, and improve the overall strength and level of schools。

Solid base improvement, key breakthrough。Focus on service teaching, attach equal importance to hardware construction and connotation construction, focus on land, school buildings, teachers, equipment and other key elements, give priority to make up for weaknesses, and improve the efficiency of resource input and output。

3. Overall Objectives

Through scientific planning and reasonable adjustment, we will continue to increase the supply of policies, further optimize the layout and structure of vocational schools, significantly improve the conditions for running schools, improve the overall level of teachers, and significantly enhance the quality and attractiveness of vocational education。The proportion of vocational schools in all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps that meet all key monitoring indicators for operating conditions will reach over 80 percent by the end of 2023 and over 90 percent by the end of 2025。

2. Key tasks

1. Integrate resources to optimize the layout

All localities should coordinate regional vocational education resources, combine the needs of regional economic and social development, adopt forms such as merger, group education, and termination of education, optimize the layout of vocational schools, and reasonably determine the enrollment scale。In the investment of educational resources, priority is given to ensuring that the basic conditions for vocational schools meet the standards。Schools that have poor quality, are not recognized by the society, and seriously fail to meet various targets shall be merged or terminated in accordance with the law。For schools to be run by groups, substantial joint construction and sharing of campus, school buildings, teachers, equipment and equipment must be carried out, and the overall assessment of school-running conditions。For schools to be merged, the filing information shall be changed in a timely manner in accordance with relevant regulations。Schools to be terminated should close the account of the school registration system, timely cancel the organization, and do a good job in the placement of teachers and students。Remote and poverty-stricken areas should maintain their size, urban centers should improve their quality and expand their capacity, and a number of secondary vocational schools should be built to meet the needs of local economic and social development。

2. Strengthening the construction of infrastructure for vocational schools

All localities should comprehensively check the infrastructure of vocational schools, and formulate plans to supplement the conditions for running schools by categories for schools to be retained。Local relevant departments give priority to vocational education when formulating educational land use plans, vigorously strengthen the infrastructure construction of vocational schools on the premise of meeting the land use targets, simplify the approval procedures for construction projects of new or expanded construction projects of vocational schools, and support vocational schools in quickly filling land and school building gaps and solving problems left over from history。For the campus area and school buildings of secondary vocational schools, the independent property rights of the school shall account for a certain proportion, and if it is necessary to lease, the lease term shall match the school planning and be guaranteed by means of an agreement or supplementary agreement, and the specific requirements shall be determined by the localities themselves。School organizers should increase investment, strengthen the infrastructure construction of vocational schools, completely eliminate dangerous buildings, and implement the standardized construction of school buildings, classrooms and experimental (practical training) rooms。Schools shall, in accordance with relevant national and local standards, formulate and implement plans for the development of school undertakings in a scientific manner, so as to ensure that the infrastructure of schools is compatible with the scale of schooling。

3. Improving the teaching staff of vocational schools

All localities should, in accordance with the standards for the provision of teachers in vocational schools, make good use of resources to invigorate the establishment of public undertakings and give priority to supporting vocational education。We will further expand the autonomy of vocational schools in the selection and employment of teachers, and allow them to independently set posts, independently determine employment plans, and independently determine the criteria, content and procedures for recruitment and examination。Through the "preparation of turnover pool", "fixed post + mobile post", "set up special posts" and other ways to attract outstanding talents to engage in vocational education work, and promote the two-way flow of enterprise engineering and technical personnel, highly skilled personnel and vocational school teachers。

4. Improving teaching conditions in vocational schools

Local governments should strengthen the construction of education-related public infrastructure, and pool resources to build a number of high-level training bases integrating practical training, social training, and technical services。Enterprises are encouraged to support and participate in vocational education by donating equipment and sharing places, and reflect the relevant investment in the corporate social responsibility report, and the donated equipment should be included in the school's asset management and included in the business statistics as required。The combination incentive policy enjoyed by the integration of production and education enterprises can be properly linked with the relevant investment of enterprises。Vocational schools should, in accordance with the standards and requirements, fully equip books, computers, training facilities, etc., speed up equipment update and management, introduce new processes, new technologies, and new equipment into teaching in a timely manner, and improve the utilization rate of school-enterprise training bases on campus。On the basis of meeting the basic conditions of the school, it is necessary to gradually improve the professional teaching conditions according to the relevant standards and the basic requirements of the teaching conditions。

(5) Raising funds for running schools through multiple channels

To fill the gap in school conditions, all localities should optimize the integration of stock resources, share and share public education resources, and insist on doing their best to increase financial input。Local development and reform departments should do a good job in approving and approving projects。Vocational schools should make full use of local special bonds, budget investment, foreign government loans, loans from international financial organizations and other policy funds, adjust and optimize the expenditure structure of the school, and on the basis of ensuring the normal operation of the school, more funds supporting the development of the school are used to meet the standards of school conditions。All localities are encouraged to explore mechanisms for diversified investment by social forces, and establish and improve relevant systems for vocational schools to run schools under joint-stock and mixed ownership。On the premise of not adding new hidden debts of local governments, we will support vocational schools to use their operating income to carry out credit business cooperation with financial institutions, attract more social funds to vocational education and improve school conditions。

3. Organization and implementation

1. Strengthen organizational leadership

All localities should give play to the role of the education leading group of the local Party committee, make overall plans for the construction and development of vocational schools under their jurisdiction, establish a coordination mechanism for vocational schools to meet the standards of school conditions, set up a special class for meeting the standards, implement the main responsibility of the organizer in accordance with the school's affiliation, and ensure that various policies and measures are fully implemented。

(2) Formulating work plans

Local education departments and human resources and social security departments take the lead respectively according to their responsibilities,They will discuss development and reform, finance, housing and urban and rural construction,Key monitoring indicators of operating conditions of vocational schools (Annex 1),On the basis of comprehensive research,According to the regional population structure, economic development basis and the status quo of school running conditions,Formulate implementation plan for compliance work (see Annex 2 for reference template),Clarify work objectives, implementation measures, schedule, funding sources, etc,Report to the local Party Committee education work leading group after deliberation,Submit to the Ministry of Education before December 30, 2022 (the implementation plan of technical schools to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security)。

3. Strengthening policy guarantees

When the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education arrange the funds for the modern vocational education quality improvement plan, they will take the work of reaching the standard as an important consideration。The National Development and Reform Commission's Education Power Promotion Project funds to improve the conditions of vocational schools。All localities should accelerate the promulgation of supporting policies for vocational schools to meet the requirements for running schools, and effectively allocate public resources such as land, funds, and staffing levels to provide guarantees for achieving the standards for running schools。All vocational schools should make full use of relevant policies, coordinate resources, increase investment, and ensure that the school conditions meet the standards on time。

4. Strengthen assessment and incentives

The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security respectively take the lead in establishing the scheduling mechanism of the vocational schools according to their responsibilities, and regularly dispatch them through the management information system of secondary vocational schools, the information management system of national technical colleges, the data collection and management platform of talent training status in vocational colleges, and spot checks。The state will include the standards of vocational schools in the provincial people's governments to perform the evaluation of educational responsibilities and the obvious results of vocational education reform to stimulate provincial assessment。Local governments will meet the standards as an important basis for the assessment, reward and punishment of municipal and county party committees and governments and their main principals。From 2023 onwards, the annual reporting of the standards of various schools in various places will be carried out, and the work results of various places will be used as an important basis for the selection of a new round of national vocational education reform projects。Schools that still fail to meet the standards by the end of 2025 should take measures such as reducing enrollment plans。

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